When xsw is invoked, a Main Control Panel (MCP) is displayed. A menu bar is position on top with three pull down menus:
-Connect to a new server.
-Disconnet a server.
-Exit xsw
-Change fonts on a per server basis.
-Change button actions.
-General Display Information
Directly below the menu bar on the left side, is a box that contains a list of server(s) which xsw is currently connected to. The active server will be highlighted. The MCP will reflect the state of the active server. All connected servers will be updated according to their Target interval time (See Below). Only one server can be viewed on the MCP at a time. Directly below the menu bar and to the right of the server list is a message box used for displaying messages regaurding the active server. Directly below the message box are:
Target : What sampling interval is wanted for the active server. Arrow buttons change the interval.
Actual : The actual sampling interval obtained for the active server.
Users : The number of users for the active server.
Below the Target, Actual, and Users boxes, are toggle buttons used for displaying system resources. The resources available for viewing are:
Command line options allow the user to set specific colors and threshold values. xsw can connect to an unlimited number of servers.